A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff

2021 Winner of the Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature at Ashland Independent Film Festival, The Terry Porter Visionary Award at the Sarasota Film Festival and Best Young Director Award at the Port Townsend Film Festival, A Kaddish For Bernie Madoff will continue to screen at film festivals worldwide through 2022. Dates and up to date ticket information here: akaddishforberniemadoff.com/screenings | akaddishforberniemadoff.com

Set in 2008 on Wall Street, A Kaddish For Bernie Madoff is a mystical meta-musical about the greatest financial fraud in history. A hybrid of musical memoir and narrative fantasy, the film tells the story of Madoff and the system that allowed him to function for decades through the eyes of musician/poet Alicia Jo Rabins, who watches the financial crash unfold from her 9th floor studio in an abandoned office building. Fueled by her growing obsession, real-life interviews transform into music videos, ancient spiritual texts become fevered fantasies of synchronized swimming, and a vivid, vulnerable work of art is born from the unique perspective of an artist watching the global financial collapse up close.

This new feature film adaptation of musician/poet Alicia Jo Rabins’ original one-woman show of the same name is a tour de force of indie ingenuity and raw creativity brought to life by director Alicia J. Rose.

Directed & Edited by Alicia J. Rose
Starring/Created by Alicia Jo Rabins
Adapted for screen by Alicia J. Rose & Alicia Jo Rabins
Original score by Alicia Jo Rabins
Produced by Lara Cuddy
Cinematography by Asia Brown
Animation by Zak Margolis
Choreography by Tahni Holt
Production design & Costume design by Nora Colie & Sarah Turner
Sound Design Christiann Burch


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The Curio